Advanced Benefit Services - HRAnswerlink - Human Resources Tool
At its core, Employee Benefits is a SERVICE Industry. Health Insurance is unlike other insurances. When we buy auto insurance, or Homeowners Insurance we expect that if lucky, we might never actually use it or at worse use it only once or twice in our life. Health Insurance though, is used by everybody, all the time.
Even the healthiest of us still get our checkups, have the occasional flu or sprained ankle. The majority of us regularly take at least one maintenance type of prescription. One in five of us will be under a doctor’s care every day! Add to that the complexity of the health care system, involving moving parts: doctors, facilities, referrals, prior authorizations, hospital systems, pharmacies and the like, and you begin to understand how 80% of our time is spent helping you and your employees with the problems that inevitable arise in a system as complex as this.
Additionally, the HR burdens placed on Plan Administrators have grown to the point where it is safe to say that virtually every employer is out of compliance with something!
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